Pretty in pink and out of the red

It's all about pink this season if the fashion magazines and style gurus are to be believed, and it comes in all shades, shapes and sizes, with prices ranging from high street to high end.

As our regular readers know, we are rarely bothered by seasonal 'trends', but the fashion police would surely approve of  some of the affordable pink frockery from our current catalogue. Designed to keep you in the pink and out of the red, it comes in restful shades of sherbet and candyfloss right through to the dazzling fashion fuchsia we so loved in the 80s.

Here are a few of our favourite pink pieces.

vintage 60s pink knitted mod coat

60s vintage pink knitted mod coat


Pink raffia bag (coming soon)

pink hand knit cardigan

Pink hand knit cardigan 

manning vintage pink feather hat

Vintage Manning pink feather hat

Mitzi Lorenz vintage pink hat

Mitzi Lorenz vintage pink hat

60s vintage pink evening dress

60s vintage pink evening dress

80s fuchsia leather jacket

80s fuchsia leather jacket

pink butterfly print vintage scarf

Vintage pink butterfly print scarf

L K Bennett pink dress

LK Bennett pink dress