Arthur takes a trip (and loses his head)

arthur frocker

Arthur Frocker has been complaining bitterly (in that moodily mute manner only a male mannequin can manage - just look at that less than impressed expression above!) about being left stood in a corner of the Frockery office with little attention (apart for some tacky tinsel round his shoulders last Christmas) and no outings for the past year.

Since his Spice Girls pals went off on tour and were such a massive hit at RARA, the best wee vintage shop in Downtown Dundee, a touch of the green eyed monster has begun to afflict our ageing mannequin, who wants a bit of the action (or maybe that should be inaction) for himself.

spice girls rara

So since it's Halloween, which is definitely Arthur's time of year, we have once again dressed him up in his tailcoat, tuxedo shirt and bow tie for a surprise trip to Dundee. He looked distinctly unimpressed when being loaded (horizontally) into Johnny Frocker's van and lost his head again. [Readers may remember that the same fate befell him last  year when his head rolled off his shoulders while sitting in the passenger seat of Alison's Merc as she negotiated a roundabout]. He keels over a lot as well these days, and some of his body parts are no longer in working order - all part of the vintage mannequin's ageing process, it seems - but we love him nonetheless.

arthur takes a trip

If you want meet Arthur in the flesh (or should that be resin?) pop into RARA and the Pretty Vacant Showrooms this week, where he'll be delighted to greet you.  What's more, if you send us a picture of yourself with Arthur,  you'll be in with a chance of winning £20 of Frockery goods. (Judging will take place next week, and remember to send your contact details in case you win!)

Arthur says:

"Relax, I'm 'armless, and I don't have my head (or hands) screwed on either!"

arthur frocker

Happy Halloween from the Frockers and RARA!