Celebrate slow fashion with the Frockery eco-fashion challenge
It's that time of year again with post-Christmas bills, tax returns, daylight robbery (literally) and cold, miserable weather. Not to mention these extra few (or not so few) pounds after polishing off all that chocolate, cake, rich food and booze over the festive season. It's all too easy to slip into SADness and abandon all these well-intentioned new year resolutions - but fear not, we have the perfect antidote to these winter blues in the form of the Frockery's Eco-Fashion Challenge.

Vaunt the vintage, celebrate the second hand, rock the retro
Now in its seventh year, the challenge, which runs throughout February, has proved to be a hit with participants and observers alike. Many return year after year to showcase their personal vintage, retro, preloved and hand made outfits and share the often entertaining stories behind their style.
The Frockery challenge is for all ages, shapes, sizes and genders, and there are prizes of Frockery vouchers for the different category winners who will be announced in the first week of March once our judges have finished their deliberations. It is no easy task as we invariaby have a range of seriously stylish entries to choose from.
Details of how to take part can be found here and we look forward to welcoming you to our 2017 eco-fashion party!