Frockery fashionistas strut their stuff

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The Frockery turned out on 3rd July along with some of Scotland’s finest vintage venturers for a vintage and retro related jamboree in Kirkcaldy, hosted by the Joint Regonal Development Trust to raise funds for the B-eat Charity which supports people with eating disorders.

Alongside stalls aplenty selling clothing, millinery, jewellery and home wares, the Green Cockatoo tea room served up welcome sustenance in truly traditional style, while music from down the decades complemented the atmosphere of the day.

The highlight for us was the afternoon catwalk show which featured pieces from some of the stallholders, including the Frockery. The young models showed the clothes off to great effect as they strutted their stuff across the stage, showcasing outfits from the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s.

It was an exhausting day, but we thoroughly enjoyed it, met some lovely people and acquired a few new customers. Take a bow, Hazel Kelly, for putting together such a successful event for such a worthy cause.

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