Frocky horror, or style sensation?

Like Marmite, you will either love or hate this shimmery blue 1980s jumpsuit / flying suit which we have just added to the catalogue. To be frank, the jury is still out at Frockery Towers, but it can certainly be described as sensational and is not for the faint hearted fashionista.  Abba aficionadas , come on down!

8os flying suit jumpsuit

One which didn’t quite make the catalogue (as a Facebook fan snapped it up) was this psychedelic 60s number, which has apparently already caused a sensation in the customer’s local Asda. The George clothing line can’t quite compete with original vintage!

Those who aren’t quite ready to embrace such 'in your face' fashion need have no fear, however, as we have something for everyone at The Frockery, where our focus is on finding new homes for all those previously ‘must have’ items that have turned into ‘has beens’  and found themselves relegated to the back of  wardrobes or abandoned in attics, sometimes for decades.

Take a look at the fab frockery in our latest update and you will find some exceedingly wearable vintage and retro fashion, as well as a huge selection of preloved contemporary clothing and accessories at a fraction of their original cost.  Don’t be fooled  by the fickle fashion police into following the crowd when you can mix and match pre-owned items  to achieve a unique look at an affordable price.  Throw off these high street chains and be a retro trendsetter!

One serious story that caught our eye this week was this Observer investigation which revealed that some of the best known names on the UK high street have been dealing, albeit unknowingly, with suppliers who run sweatshop operations in India in blatant contravention of local working regulations and the industry's ethical trading initiative (ETI). Another good reason to buy fair trade, hand made, local or vintage.