Get ready to frock, it'll soon be February!

Are you ready to frock? It will soon be 1st February and time to kick off the 6th annual Frockery Eco-Fashion Challenge, where pics mean prizes and we can all enjoy showcasing our vintage, preloved and hand made outfits to celebrate the best in sustainable style and slow fashion.
We have made a few changes to the prize structure this year due to the increasingly dufficult task for our judges of picking just one overall winner and a runner up from the myriad of stylish outfits paraded down our virtual catwalk. For 2016 we have introduced three categories – vintage, preloved and hand made – with Frockery vouchers to the value of £50 going to the posters of the most stylish and creative (in our judges' opinion) eco-fashionable ensembles in each category at the end of the competition. In addition there will be vouchers for the most entertaining ‘story behind the style’ and a chance to win a gift for a loved one as it’s a leap year and St Valentine’s Day falls midway through the challenge.

The rules couldn't be simpler! Aim to wear clothing and accessories which are hand made, vintage, recycled or second hand during February and post your pictures, outfit descriptions and sources on the Frockery Facebook Group (it's a closed group but just send a join request). Alternatively you can post on our public Frockery Facebook Page or on our Twitter feed (using the #frockerychallenge hashtag so we don't miss it). If all else fails, just email us directly and we'll post for you. You can showcase as many or as few outfits as you like over the course of the month, but more is always merrier!
We are delighted that Janice Stewart from Tweed’ll Dee By Notions has agreed once again to be our chief judge and 'Ms Motivator', ably assisted by minor frocker Kirstin and the absolutely fabulous Patsy A, whose modelling career began in London back in the 60s.
Let's all have some frocking fun!