Juicy Future

We were at first unsure as to whether the incursion of orange and tangerine into high street stores and fashion websites was a figment of our own over-orange imagination.

But sure enough, the diagnosis was confirmed by the aptly named Amber, who provided the evidence on her Fashion Police blog in full glorious (depending on your point of view)  technicolour.

So it's official: the future's orange and distinctly juicy.

With that in mind, we thought we would flaunt a selection of our own finest orange frockery which we hope you will find 'a-peeling'.

Top Shop burnt orange cord jacket

burnt orange cord jacket

Vintage orange maxi kaftan coat

vintage orange kaftan coatTangerine print smock top

tangerine print smock top

Vintage orange maxi dress

vintage orange maxi dress

Burnt orange leather coat

orange leather coat

Tangerine tank top

tangerine tank top

Finally, one that recently got away: Vibrant vintage orange print maxi dress.

vintage orange print maxi dress