Road repair blues

We have been almost cut off by road repairs this past week with a proliferation of diggers, piledrivers and steamrollers operating directly outside our office window. Happily, we have at last returned to a more acceptable decibel level, which means we can hold normal telephone conversations again and the postman is managing to reach us without risking life and limb!

On the frockery front, things have been busy, and customer optimism that spring is just around the corner seems to be growing judging by the number of dresses and blouses we have been dispatching. Look out for another catalogue update soon as we have just taken delivery of some fab stock, some of which we know we are going to find hard to part with!

On the Oscars front, we just loved Kate Winslett’s stunning one shouldered Yves St Laurent gown with netting overlay, but found some of the other creations a bit over the top; in fact we are still having nightmares about Beyonce’s black and gold mermaid style dress, but each to their own!

Meanwhile, the government has just launched a campaign, in the form of a sustainable clothing action plan, to tackle the environmental impact of our ‘fast fashion’ culture. This is of course something we have been banging on about for years,  so it’s good to see them cottoning on at last to the fact that something needs to be done to reduce landfill disposal of textiles and promote sustainability in a meaningful way.

And finally, for those who have embraced the social networking phenomenon that is Twitter, you can now follow The Frockery's occasional tweets.