Sourcing success

We have just updated the catalogue with a selection of jackets, coats and some pretty blouses. We also have some super jumpers looking for new homes which will be listed in the next few days, including chunky arran and traditional knitwear. It has been snowing here again and warm woollies look like staying a wardrobe staple for the foreseeable future.

Our sourcing service has been busy of late and we have managed to match a number of items with customers as they come into stock. We get some unusual and often quite specific requests (does anyone have a nurse's cloak from Ashludie hospital or an original Biba feather boa?) While we obviously can't  always guarantee a result, we do always keep our eyes open for wanted items, so just drop us an email with a note of your requests.

In an effort to expand our horizons, we have been doing some business networking over the past couple of weeks and meeting all sorts of interesting people at conferences and seminars. One event last week had Michelle Mone, founder of Ulltimo and one of Scotland's most successful entrepreneurs, as its keynote speaker and her presentation was both entertaining and inspirational. However, it also reminded of us why we want to stay small and we don't see key performance indicators coming to The Frockery anytime soon!